Clydach Farm Grain Free MultiProtein Puppy Dry Dog Food 1kg

by Clydach Farm

A complete food for puppies, promoting healthy growth, boosted immune system and additional bone support. We freshly prepare Herefordshire Chicken and Turkey with the finest Scottish Salmon, then blend with Sweet Potato; a highly digestible, slow release carbohydrate that offers a low glycaemic index and a fantastic source of vitamin A and C. With naturally high levels of Omega 3 and 6, this diet delivers a great source of EPA and DHA to help support a healthy heart, supple joints, cognitive function, visual development and coat/skin condition. To provide the best start in life, our puppy recipe is bursting with 60% ethical, sustainably sourced fish and poultry. Our farmers supply us with fresh, authentic ingredients for our unique formulas, this Puppy and junior recipe captures the classic flavors of the British countryside.


Freshly Prepared British Chicken (20%), Sweet Potato (19%), Potato, Dried Chicken (14%),Freshly Prepared Turkey (7%), Freshly Prepared Salmon (7%), Dried Turkey (7%),Dried Salmon (3%), Chicken Stock (2%), Whole British Linseed, Beet Pulp, Omega 3 Supplement, Minerals & Vitamins, Fresh British Vegetables, Joint & Bone Support: (Glucosamine (170mg/kg), Methylsulfonylmethane (170mg/kg), Chondroitin Sulphate (125mg/kg)). Nucleotides, Fructooligosaccharides (92mg/kg), Mannanoligosaccharides (23 mg/kg)

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