The British Foods Most Expats Miss When Relocating

There is no denying that food is such a huge part of our lives. We wake up and have breakfast, we have a snack with our morning coffee, we have a meal during our lunch break at work, we enjoy biscuits with our afternoon cup of tea, we go home and have dinner and then we may even have a sweet treat in the evening too. So much of our day is focused around eating and thankfully, we really do have some amazing British foods here in the UK. 

When relocating abroad, whilst many expats will embrace their new local cuisine and find many new foods to enjoy, it goes without saying that it is impossible not to miss some British classics every now and then. Whilst everyone will have their favourite foods, there are some British products that almost all expats miss when moving internationally and below we have listed some of the most sought after British items by those who live abroad. 

Cadbury chocolate 

This is probably by far one of the most popular chocolate brands here in the UK and many expats miss being able to pick up one of the many different morish Cadbury products that line the shelves in our supermarkets. There really is something about Cadbury chocolate that makes it irreplaceable.  

Heinz tinned products 

Another brand that is missed massively by anyone living abroad is Heinz and whilst Heinz tomato ketchup is something that many dislike going without, it is Heinz baked beans and Heinz soup that many expats crave. Both of these tinned products really are a store cupboard essential and they remain a favourite amongst people of all ages. 

McVities biscuits 

Lots of Brits won’t go a day without having a biscuit, especially if they’re avid tea drinkers and for many, their first choice will be McVities. From their classic hobnobs and chocolate digestives to their unique ginger nuts, many expats find that none of the biscuits they can get abroad are as good as McVities. 

Walkers crisps 

Although the vast majority of countries will have their own brands of crisps, some that are even very similar to those here in the UK, lots of expats still can’t wait to get their hands on a packet of Walkers. Everyone has their personal favourite type and flavour, but the brand as a whole is undeniably one of the most sought after. 

Bisto gravy granules

A roast dinner is arguably one of the most popular meals eaten by Brits and, for this reason, it is no surprise that Bisto gravy granules are one of the British food products many expats miss. No warming winter dinner is the same without a quality boat of gravy. 

Warburtons crumpets

No matter how you choose to eat them, Warburtons crumpets are one of the most missed savoury foods by expats. It is fair to say that they are fairly unique and there isn’t another product like them, so it is understandable why those who now live abroad miss this much-loved breakfast item so much. 


Whilst this is one of the most controversial products in the UK and you either love it or hate it, this spread is something else that lots of expats will look forward to having whenever they’re coming home. Marmite really is incomparable to all other spreads. 

Branston pickle

Lastly, but by no means least, Branston Pickle is something that lots of people enjoy at lunchtime, especially in a cheese sandwich, and expats struggle to find anything similar when living abroad. This sweet but spicy pickled chutney is instantly recognisable in flavour and quintessentially British in its own right.  

Buying British food abroad 

No matter how long you lived in the UK for or how long you have been living abroad for, it is highly likely that you will miss a few of the British foods mentioned above, if not all of them. It is fair to say that we really do have some unforgettable and irreplaceable brands here in the UK and you don’t know how good they really are until you’re no longer able to pick them up in your local corner shop. 

If you’re searching for somewhere you can buy British food, be sure to visit the British Essentials online store. We have been providing the best British food and drink to people all over the world for many years now and we pride ourselves on supplying the most well-known and loved brands at incredibly competitive prices. We understand just how difficult it can be to purchase British food products locally when you’re abroad, so let us make it easy for you. Browse our website today to see just how many of your favourites we can supply. 

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